ZVON > References > DOM2 Reference

addEventListener (method )

Owning interface and usage:  
EventTarget.addEventListener(type, listener, useCapture)

Member of these other interfaces:  

This method allows the registration of event listeners on the event target. If an EventListener is added to an EventTarget while it is processing an event, it will not be triggered by the current actions but may be triggered during a later stage of event flow, such as the bubbling phase. If multiple identical EventListeners are registered on the same EventTarget with the same parameters the duplicate instances are discarded. They do not cause the EventListener to be called twice and since they are discarded they do not need to be removed with the removeEventListener() method.

DOMString type  -  The event type for which the user is registering.
EventListener listener  -  The listener parameter takes an interface implemented by the user which contains the methods to be called when the event occurs.
Boolean useCapture  -  If true, useCapture indicates that the user wishes to initiate capture. After initiating capture, all events of the specified type will be dispatched to the registered EventListener before being dispatched to any EventTargets beneath them in the tree. Events which are bubbling upward through the tree will not trigger an EventListener designated to use capture.

