ZVON > References > XMI Reference

Element: XMI.reference
Attributes: href | xmi.idref | xml:link | xlink:inline | xlink:actuate | xlink:content-role | xlink:title | xlink:show | xlink:behavior |
Parents: MOF:Constraint.language | MOF:ModelElement.annotation | MOF:ModelElement.name | MOF:Multiplicity.lower | MOF:Multiplicity.upper | MOF:Tag.tagId | UML:Action.script | UML:AssociationEnd.multiplicity | UML:AssociationRole.multiplicity | UML:ClassifierRole.multiplicity | UML:Dependency.description | UML:ElementReference.alias | UML:EnumerationLiteral.name | UML:Expression.body | UML:Expression.language | UML:Generalization.discriminator | UML:Geometry.body | UML:GraphicMarker.body | UML:Mapping.body | UML:ModelElement.name | UML:MultiplicityRange.lower | UML:MultiplicityRange.upper | UML:Operation.specification | UML:Reception.specification | UML:Stereotype.baseClass | UML:StructuralFeature.multiplicity | UML:TaggedValue.tag | UML:TaggedValue.value | UML:UninterpretedAction.body | UML:UseCase.extensionPoint |
Children: < any > |
Comment: XMI.reference may be used to refer to data types not defined in the metamodel