ZVON > References > XHTML Reference
   Strict XHTML   Frameset | >> Strict << | Transitional |  [Comparison]

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Element: dl
Attributes: | class | dir | id | lang | onclick | ondblclick | onkeydown | onkeypress | onkeyup | onmousedown | onmousemove | onmouseout | onmouseover | onmouseup | style | title | xml:lang |
Parents: | blockquote | body | button | dd | del | div | fieldset | form | ins | li | map | noscript | object | td | th |
Children: | dd | dt |

Your browser display:
young excitable person who may mature into a Nerd or Geek
a clever programmer
technically bright but socially inept person
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     <dd>young excitable person who may mature into a
          <em>Nerd</em> or
     <dd>a clever programmer</dd>
     <dd>technically bright but socially inept person</dd>

Your browser display:
A point equidistant from all points on the surface of a sphere.
In some field sports, the player who holds the middle position on the field, court, or forward line.
Source [  Open as XHTML document  ]

     <dd> A point equidistant from all points on the surface of a sphere.</dd>
     <dd> In some field sports, the player who holds the middle position on the field, court, or forward line.</dd>