ZVON > References > DOM2 Reference

prefix (attribute )

Owning interface and usage:  

Member of these other interfaces:  
Attr, CDATASection, CharacterData, Comment, Document, DocumentFragment, DocumentType, Element, Entity, EntityReference, Notation, ProcessingInstruction, Text

Readonly:   yes

Type:   DOMString

The namespace prefix of this node, or null if it is unspecified.

This exception is raised on setting if the specified prefix contains an illegal character.
This exception is raised on setting if this node is readonly.
This exception is raised on setting if the specified prefix is malformed, if the namespaceURI of this node is null, if the specified prefix is "xml" and the namespaceURI of this node is different from "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", if this node is an attribute and the specified prefix is "xmlns" and the namespaceURI of this node is different from "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/", or if this node is an attribute and the qualified name of this node is "xmlns".

Text in the first DIV.
x a b x
Text in the last DIV.
   <div id="doc" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
       Text in the first DIV.
     <svg:svg id="logo" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width="200" height="60">
       <svg:g style="fill:#3399cc; font-size:36pt; font-family:'dialog'; font-weight: bold">
         <svg:a xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="http://www.zvon.org">
           <svg:text x="50%" y="65%" text-anchor="middle">ZVON.org</svg:text>
     <apply xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
     <ci> x </ci> 
     <ci> a </ci> 
     <ci> b </ci> 
     <ci> x </ci> 
       Text in the last DIV.
  var elem1 = document.getElementsByTagName('int')[0];
  var output1 = elem1.prefix;
  var elem2 = document.getElementById('logo');
  var output2 = elem2.prefix;
desired your browser
output1: null
output2: svg