ZVON > References > [XHTML Basic] Reference
Text Module > element em

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Element: em
Attributes: | class | id | title | xml:lang |
Parents: | a | abbr | acronym | address | caption | cite | code | dd | dfn | div | dt | em | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | kbd | label | li | object | p | pre | q | samp | span | strong | td | th | var |
Children: | #PCDATA | a | abbr | acronym | br | cite | code | dfn | em | img | input | kbd | label | object | q | samp | select | span | strong | textarea | var |

Your browser display:
  1. ... first list item...
  2. ... second list item...
  3. ... third list item...
Source [  Open as XHTML document  ]

          <em>... first list item...</em>
          <em>... second list item...</em>
          <em>... third list item...</em>
          <em>... first list item...</em>
          <em>... second list item...</em>
          <em>... third list item...</em>

Your browser display:
young excitable person who may mature into a Nerd or Geek
a clever programmer
technically bright but socially inept person
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     <dd>young excitable person who may mature into a
          <em>Nerd</em> or
     <dd>a clever programmer</dd>
     <dd>technically bright but socially inept person</dd>

Your browser display:
A test table with merged cells
Average Red
height weight
Males 1.9 0.003 40%
Females 1.7 0.002 43%
Source [  Open as XHTML document  ]

<table summary="This table gives some statistics about fruit flies: average height and weight, and percentage with red eyes (for both males and females).">
          <em>A test table with merged cells</em>
          <th rowspan="2"/>
          <th colspan="2">Average</th>
          <th rowspan="2">Red

Your browser display:
Cups of coffee consumed by each senator
Name Cups Type of Coffee Sugar?
T. Sexton 10 Espresso No
J. Dinnen 5 Decaf Yes
A. Soria Not available
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     <caption>Cups of coffee consumed by each senator</caption>
          <th>Type of Coffee</th>
          <td>T. Sexton</td>
          <td>J. Dinnen</td>
          <td>A. Soria</td>
          <td colspan="3">
               <em>Not available</em>

Your browser display:

...some text...

You'll find a lot more in chapter two. See also this map of the enchanted forest.

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     <em>...some text...</em>
<p>You'll find a lot more in
     <a href="chapter2.html">chapter two</a>. See also this
     <a href="../images/forest.gif">map of the enchanted forest.</a>

Your browser display:

...some text...

You'll find a lot more in chapter two. chapter two. See also this map of the enchanted forest.

Source [  Open as XHTML document  ]

     <em>...some text...</em>
<p>You'll find a lot more in
     <a href="chapter2.html" title="Go to chapter two">chapter two</a>.
     <a href="./chapter2.html" title="Get chapter two.">chapter two</a>. See also this
     <a href="../images/forest.gif" title="GIF image of enchanted forest">map of the enchanted forest.</a>

Your browser display:
As Harry S. Truman said, The buck stops here.
More information can be found in [ISO-0000].
Please refer to the following reference number in future correspondence: 1-234-55
Source [  Open as XHTML document  ]

<div> As
     <cite>Harry S. Truman</cite> said,
     <q>The buck stops here.</q>
<div> More information can be found in
<div> Please refer to the
     <em>following reference number</em> in future correspondence: